"But upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions."
Freedom Arena
On the 18th May 2008 and with only 53 people gathered together in the rooms of a small family home in South East London, Mount Zion Christian Ministries International (Freedom Arena) held its first service. This Ministry was confirmed on 22nd January 2008 when God spoke to His servant Debo Adegoke saying, “Take root downwards in the UK and I will take your fruits all over the world”. The Ministry was given birth based on Obadiah 1:17: “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” From 25, Kinder Close, the church moved to the recording studio of “Passion Television” in Charlton, South East London. There it grew miraculously, until it outgrew both the main auditorium and the overflow.
When was this church founded
Initial Number Of Church Members
Bami Se Regular Members
Regular Church Members
Mount Zion Christian Ministries International moved on to start fellowshipping at the Asian Community Centre in Plumstead, also in South East London. From there it sojourned briefly at 240-242 Plumstead High Street, having to hold two services every Sunday on account of constraint of space. With a regular congregation of about 700 adults excluding children and youths, the church continues to grow and expand God has daily been adding to the church, and the congregation of the now popular Yoruba Prayer meeting, “Bami See” as at the last count, has grown to well over 2000 attendees. Recently, God gave the ministry an “oversized miracle”, when it secured the use of a 2.3 acre property, next to the Asian Community Centre, by leasehold. This current site of the church tagged “Freedom City”is the meeting place for all its activities. In addition, the church still holds the lease on 240-242 Plumstead High Street.

Our Ministry is established on the pillars of Holiness, Obedience, Knowledge and Diligence. The vision is to raise generations of people for the Kingdom of God. A people fully acquainted with their God and His Word (the holy bible) a people who have been set free and are living in their purpose and destiny. To reach our local, national and international world using creative technological advancements in a way that enhances the message of the Gospel. Without the above pillars in the life of the believer no one can enjoy freedom or possess their possessions. These pillars were given by God to Pastor Debo Adegoke when he set out to start “Mount Zion Christian Ministries International.”
How are we meeting our vision?
By preaching, teaching and living the truth – John 8:32; James 1:25. By turning SINNERS to SAINTS, and by equipping them with wisdom and Knowledge – Prov. 11:9b; Isa. 33:5-6; Dan. 11:32b. By raising Champions whose relationship with God (on a daily basis) will be cordial and intimate – Ps. 51:2, 6-13, 19; Luke 1:17; Heb. 1:9. By living in Holiness and Obedience in order to please God, and to attract others to God – Deut. 28:1; 2Chro. 16:9; Isa. 2:1-3. Mount Zion will not be a place but a person – John 14:21,23 By preparing elects to love God and man, and also to be loved by God, i.e. fulfilling the great commandments – Matt. 22:34-40; Ps. 91:14-16. By making everyone to be diligent through the teaching of the WORD, and thereby showing the world how to be diligent – Prov. 4:23; 10:4; 12:24; 22:29; Luke 12:58. By raising prayer Champions who will know how to please God, and how to seek His face to obtain their desires – I Sam. 30:1-26; James 1:5-7; 4:2-3; 5:13-17. By turning MEMBERS to MINISTRES who will go to the world to bring sinners and un-churched to Salvation and Jesus Christ – Matt. 28:18-20. By using Bible principles to raise BUSINESS CHAMPIONS who will shake the Business world, and influence the growth of God’s kingdom by: Sponsoring the Kingdom works and projects, Employing the Kingdom members Using their profits to promote the Gospel all over the world. Ps. 1:1-3. Using technology and social media to promote the gospel.
A WORD Loving Church
An Obedient Church
A Grateful Church i.e. A Church of Worship
A Giving Church
A Loving (or friendly) Church
A Praying Church
An Organised Church
A Church where everybody is involved
A Living Church (i.e. Holy Spirit is the Head)
Our Ministry is established on the pillars of Holiness, Obedience, Knowledge and Diligence. The vision is to raise generations of people for the Kingdom of God. A people fully acquainted with their God and His Word (the holy bible) a people who have been set free and are living in their purpose and destiny. To reach our local, national and international world using creative technological advancements in a way that enhances the message of the Gospel. Without the above pillars in the life of the believer no one can enjoy freedom or possess their possessions. These pillars were given by God to Pastor Debo Adegoke when he set out to start “Mount Zion Christian Ministries International.”
How are we meeting our vision? By preaching, teaching and living the truth – John 8:32; James 1:25. By turning SINNERS to SAINTS, and by equipping them with wisdom and Knowledge – Prov. 11:9b; Isa. 33:5-6; Dan. 11:32b. By raising Champions whose relationship with God (on a daily basis) will be cordial and intimate – Ps. 51:2, 6-13, 19; Luke 1:17; Heb. 1:9. By living in Holiness and Obedience in order to please God, and to attract others to God – Deut. 28:1; 2Chro. 16:9; Isa. 2:1-3. Mount Zion will not be a place but a person – John 14:21,23 By preparing elects to love God and man, and also to be loved by God, i.e. fulfilling the great commandments – Matt. 22:34-40; Ps. 91:14-16. By making everyone to be diligent through the teaching of the WORD, and thereby showing the world how to be diligent – Prov. 4:23; 10:4; 12:24; 22:29; Luke 12:58. By raising prayer Champions who will know how to please God, and how to seek His face to obtain their desires – I Sam. 30:1-26; James 1:5-7; 4:2-3; 5:13-17. By turning MEMBERS to MINISTRES who will go to the world to bring sinners and un-churched to Salvation and Jesus Christ – Matt. 28:18-20. By using Bible principles to raise BUSINESS CHAMPIONS who will shake the Business world, and influence the growth of God’s kingdom by: Sponsoring the Kingdom works and projects, Employing the Kingdom members Using their profits to promote the Gospel all over the world. Ps. 1:1-3. Using technology and social media to promote the gospel.